What is next at 197 E Washington in Oswego?
Welcome to the Refuge, a different type of faith experience. We are NOT here to build a stage, seats of honor, give titles, and put on a show. (In fact, Jesus specifically forbids ALL that and taught us with clarity to NOT engage those things. Surprised? So were we!) No, we are only here because the Lord has given us authority to build His Kingdom HERE, to open the doors and invite those hurting and humble into the healing process of walking with the Savior. And so we seek Jesus with our full hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and invite others into that journey as well. Following Christ is a life-transforming walk. It is a practice of learning HIS way. It is a humble, servanthood - filled life. It is a life saturated in freedom, generosity, faith, healing, and led by the Holy Spirit. It is individual and collective, ancient and freshly creative, submitted to the Lord with the joy and peace that only He can give. So we will be as well. We are honoring the Holy Spirit's leading. We are holding healing space for those recovering from religious abuse, domestic, and child abuse. We will continue our work for special needs gatherings, celebrations, and therapeutic support. We are hosting learning and growth opportunities and building for deep work of faith cultivation. We are creating ministries to create in the name of the Lord as artists, musicians, and poets. We are here to serve the least, and honor and share in the comfort through which the Lord has comforted us. And we are investing in this place again and renewed. The team here in Oswego is amazing. They are the board members, ministers, missionaries, therapists, and elders, some of whom helped shape the best of what came before, and we are all eager to build into what is next in Oswego. Contact Liz @ [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] to get involved. |