The Organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Independent Churches
Each local church is completely independent. The organization, leadership, even the practices they support are completely dependent on their own agreement and discernment. There is no adherence to any central belief other than that of faith in Jesus.
The country and world are divided into regions that have their own staff available to support the missions of the local churches. They may assist with hiring decisions, advise on policy, or help congregations negotiate difficult seasons in their ministry. They are supported by free-will offerings from the local churches within their regions.
General Ministries
The General Ministries staff & departments address broad areas of work, administration, and organization that serve the local churches in a manner that can't be accomplished independently and locally. Their areas of service include: mortgage and investment funding, healthcare, retirement accounting, assistance for congregations considering closing, and global mission work. They are supported by free-will offerings from local congregations.