The God We Serve is BIG
It is so easy to slip into bad habits - even as believers. I have recently found myself tied up with worry and really struggling to live IN faith. Faith is slippery for us mortals. Faith is confident, certain hope in what we CAN'T see. (Hebrews 11:1) I don't know about you, but I am often FAR more confident in what I CAN see. And that is not faith. But the Lord is bigger. The Lord is bigger than my lack of faith, or yours. The Lord is patiently waiting for us to trust Him with our sources of concern. The Lord is always inviting us into a life that is built on asking, receiving, believing, trust, and hope. It takes some doing to retrain our skeptical minds. It takes flexibility and humility to repent... a lot ... for all the ways that we miss the mark. It takes open hearts to center our lives on gratitude, gathering all the pieces of beauty and even correction we receive and identifying it as holy and good. It takes active minds that seek God's person, promises, and teachings - to start to live on them as much as we live on food. And it takes a soul that recognizes it is starving without God's holy goodness and care-filled leadership. This life built on Jesus faith is described as ABUNDANT... we call it BIG. When yours starts to feel cramped with worry and fear and lack of beauty, get on your knees. Make a list of gratitude. Pick up your Bible... or your Bible App on your phone. Worship. And give. Believing is a choice, a cultivated life of trust that no one inherits and each must choose. Faith is confidence in what we hope for, assurance in what is not seen. (Heb 11:1) Invest in your faith in God. Comments are closed.
April 2019