What's the nicest thing someone has said to you? Have you ever felt fully recognized and praised? There is nothing like being known, seen, and appreciated!
Each of us desires to be known and loved. God created us that way. It's sometimes challenging for us to believe, but God created you on purpose - exactly as you were born, you were specially designed - from your nose to your toes, and all the mind and emotion in between. It is easy for us to focus on our flaws, to let our insecurities and shortcomings dominate our understanding of ourselves - but much of that is just nonsense from the enemy. God's design is good. God's intention for us is enduringly GOOD. It doesn't matter how off course we put ourselves, God can redeem it, forgive us, and work it all together for GOOD. God sees all of you and loves you and appreciates you deeper than anything earth can offer. When you give your heart to God and trust His leading, He will draw you closer and closer to the best life you can have, truly fulfilled, as He created you to live. We call it the "big life." Join us Sunday we devote our hour of worship together to draw closer to God. We believe committing our hearts to God during this one hour of worship each week can change every other hour we live. Comments are closed.
April 2019