Elections are divisive by definition. But Jesus calls for unity.
At Big Life Community Church, we come together around Jesus. It's our sin that divides, simplifies complex ideas into caricatures, and condemns others... but Jesus calls us higher. 1) We all err and sin. None of us are "in the right." We all miss the mark daily. Stay humble - when you feel pride or self-righteousness creeping in, return to humility. (Rom 3:23) 2) Put God first. Put loving (being charitable, serving) people next. This is God's Commandment for believers. (Matt 22:36-40) 3) The enemy steals, kills, and destroys the evidence of God's Spirit - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Be careful to not be the voice of the enemy in tearing others down... regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the small amount you know about their perspective. (John 10:10, Gal 5:22-23) 4) Do not condemn those different than you - hint - it's everyone. We believe there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Rom 8:1). If you find yourself buying into condemnation, immediately repent and turn your attention back to following and mirroring Jesus. We believe as a Church organization, and as individual Jesus followers we are called to a BIG LIFE of faith, encouragement, and unapologetic positivity. As a Church, we are committed to both affirming the freedom God created us with as individuals, as well as always pointing to the high bar Jesus set for us and our relationships to God and to others. This means we offer grace and respect to one another as unique parts of the Body of Christ and encourage one another to turn towards Christ in all our decisions and life choices. So this week especially, we celebrate God's abundant hope for you. We pray blessing and encouragement over each of you right now as you read. We affirm Jesus' call to love and serve and invite you into a closer walk with Him through studying the Word, and joining us in an ever expanding, bigger, GOOD life of servant hood, humility, and generosity. |
April 2019